This is what I want! 
Home Shopping Network, $199.95
At that price this table is really pretty affordable.  But still,  $200 for a table that is going to sit in an out of the way spot seems like a lot.
This table was stuck out of the way in the lower level on it’s way to the GW drop off.

The awful finish is the result of a less than successful attempt at faux painting—arghhh!

I am pretty pleased with the results.  Not perfect, but certainly better than before! Read on to see how I did this!

 This faux vinyl from Hancock Fabrics was on the sale table. (and I had a coupon). This piece is nice because of the grain and it stretched a bit, making it easy to work with.

 Using a T-square makes it easy to cut straight pieces.  I can’t tell you how often I use this tool.  You can buy one at Home Depot for $12.00.

The air compressor and stapler were a godsend for the project.
An electric stapler would work too!

It is always a puzzle to figure out exactly which part to do first.  Each piece of furniture is different.  I just do what seems to make sense.  For this table it worked best to do the legs and then the top!

So far so good.  Covering the sides was a lot more difficult.  I finally got it done by using strips of mat board to create a nice clean edge.  Can’t show you pictures because I only have 2 hands and there was no one around to photograph the process.  It is probably good no one was around to hear some of the language I was using.
But I finally got it done….wheww!
Now for the Nail Heads:
Did you know that you can by a roll of something called Nail Head Trim in a 10Ft. Roll?

DYI Upholstery Supply sells it for $14.98. I bet you could think of all kinds of ways to use this…hmmmm!
See how it works. (note the gloves….this stuff has little sharp edges that make you bleed all over your fabric if you don’t wear them)

The hardest part on this project was getting the trim on straight…more bad language I am afraid. I used the carpenter square and it helped a lot!  When I look closely, I see the mistakes but the trim option was way easier than individual nail heads.

The little table in it’s new spot!

Total cost….$23 including the band aids I needed before I figured out I needed to wear gloves!

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The Art Of Doing Stuff Link Party

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Sumo's Sweet Stuff

A Marvelous Mess