Fall is in the air….
The temperature when I got up this morning was 50 degrees….brrrr
We went to the State Fair….I bought this cool poster and can’t wait to frame it.
We drove along some country roads and cut wild sunflowers.
Today is the first day of school!
It’s time to pack my school bag….or in my case my laptop bag!
My school provides a laptop for each teacher….along with a REALLY ugly laptop bag that looks like a suitcase.
Even worse….when you want to take your computer OUT of the bag…..you have to put the bag on the desk or table, unzip it, take the computer out, rezip the bag…..yadda yadda…
Remember the definition of style and elegance?
I obviously needed to find a “Sweetwater Style” solution….here it is!
This is my Summer laptop case…..a straw bag I found at a thrift store!
Here is my Fall laptop case….probably one of my all time scores at GW…..a Brahmin bag for $8!
If you don’t know this brand…high quality leather…very high end….lah di dah me!
I bet YOU can find a great bag at a thrift store that would work for you…or maybe you already have something!
Anyway…..you can’t just throw your laptop in any bag… it needs to be protected with some padding!
I use a very thin piece of foam….I honestly don’t remember where I got this, but a piece of quilt batting would work too!
Then I cut a piece of fabric to make a cover for the foam….
do you recognize the print from my living room chairs…it was leftover…and I love the print!
I sewed a seam at one end and then folded it so the seam was in the center of one side. This leaves nice folded edges at each end.
Then I sewed the side seams leaving an opening to insert the foam.
I turned it right sides out….gave it a good pressing and inserted the foam.
I used fusible web to close the open part of the seam, and I was done!
Total time….probably about 15 minutes….
The thing that took the longest was deciding what fabric to use….
Here is a view of the pad before it is in the computer…
I just slip it into the bag…..
Tuck my laptop in…..
Now when I get where I am going…I just slip the computer out and am good to go!
And NOW I am ready for school……hope all the teachers are nice to me today!
Linking to these parties:
Threading My Way
Southern Hospitality
To Sew With Love
Blue Cricket Designs
Linkin With Luna
Quilt StoryRunning with Glitter
Newlyweds on a Budget
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Reasons to Skip the Housework
Women Who Do it All Thrifty Decorating
Making it With Allie
Saved by Love Creations
Check Me Out Saturday
Kissed By A Frog
Finger Click Savers
Stuff and Nonsense
The Answer is Chocolate
THe Shabby Nest
Sassy Sites
Homemaker in Heels
A little Knick Knack
Anne Marie Brei Blog
Craft Envy
Craft Schooling Sund |
Creating really Awesome Free Things