The Sweetwater computer is filled to the brim with literally thousands of great digital photos.
The Sweetwater cupboards have lots of scrapbook papers, ribbons and other fun items that I plan to use “someday”!
Alas…I never seem to do anything with any of my photos or stuff…!
The computer nerd in my likes the idea of creating digital books and there are lots of ways to do this for free!
Free…sounds good…but in reality it is a frustrating and time consuming process!!!
That means….I never actually follow through and get it DONE!
What I needed was a product that would make the process both simple but still let my creative juices flow!
when the nice folks at My Memories Software contacted me with an offer to review their digital scrapbooking software product I was intrigued.
The offer to download and review the My Memories software for free and give it a try was a chance to good to pass up!
Read on to find out why I think this product is one that I will actually use….
And even better….a chance for you to ENTER AND WIN your very own copy!
I am sooo excited to be doing my first “Give Away” Contest!
I’ve never done this before so this will be a learning experience for me!
Just follow the rules….and you just might win!
If you don’t WIN… just might be worth the investment to use the PROMOTIONAL CODE to get the $10 off if you decide to buy it!
What a delightful surprise it was!