NO! Not that kind of pillow talk!
This is a family friendly blog after all!

Let’s “Pillow Talk” about making pillows!

Every thrifty decorator knows that pillows are a great way to freshen up the decor around the house!
The pillows I found last winter at Goodwill were great but not very summer like!
It was time to put the slipcovers made from sheets on the couch to get a summer look (click to read the post about that).  And the pillows were OKAY…..but hey they were 2 years old!!!

Now…Look see the new pillows in the Sweetwater family room!
You gotta love the fabric!

So summery don’t you think?

Read on to learn some of my tricks for making pillows in short order….
AND….I am GIVING AWAY a pillow cover just like these to one lucky person!!!
All you need to do to WIN is start following Sweetwater Style and leave me a comment!

Hope you Enter!
When I see pillows in the store with outrageous prices….
I wonder why any would ever spend that kind of money!

I don’t usually buy new pillow forms for my pillows….if I did…every closet would be stuffed full of old ugly pillows…
I just make a pillow sham style cover for the existing pillow.
Then you can just tuck the old pillow into the new cover….
Instant gratification!!!
Since I HATE doing tutorial posts…if you need to see how to make a pillow sham decorator pillow you can hop over to look the one Katy did on “NO BIG DILL”
It is a great step by step of the process…and her pillows are pretty darn cute too!
I absolutely fell in love with this fabric…
I had to have this fabric….
But even with my half off coupon from Hancock Fabrics….it was $15.00 a yard…..GASP!
 In order to get the biggest bang for those BUCKS…here is what I did!
I used inexpensive fabric on the back of the pillows….
In fact…the backs are actually the fabric from some old pillows that “were” stuffed in the closet!
Now….on to the GIVEAWAY!
When I got done making the 3 pillows that I needed and wanted…
I still had a chunk of that great fabric left….
I could have stuck it into the “fabric stash”….
But NO!
I decided to make a pillow sham and GIVE IT AWAY to one of you lucky readers!
So I did…You can win this!

The sham is 15 x 17

It has a beige canvas sham styled back…

You will  need to get your own pillow form…
have another pillow you want to cover up!

All YOU have to do to enter is:

Follow Sweetwater Style and leave me a comment saying that you are following!

You can follow by email, GFC, Linky Followers or on Facebook!
If you already are a follower…just leave a comment telling me THAT!

I will use a random number generator to select the winner from the list of people who leave comments!
I will post the winner next Friday-July 15th….
Then I will pop the pillow sham in the mail to that lucky reader!
….what could be easier?
Make sure that I will be able to contact you if you win so that I can mail you the pillow sham!
And hey….if the pillow doesn’t match your decor….it would still make a great addition to your gift closet!
Spread the word….everyone loves to win a prize….!
Good Luck….