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adjective ˌpär-sə-ˈmō-nē-əs
: very unwilling to spend money
1: exhibiting or marked by parsimony; especially : frugal to the point of stinginess
2: sparing, restrained— par·si·mo·ni·ous·ly adverb
- cheap, chintzy, close, closefisted, mean, mingy, miserly, niggard, niggardly, stingy, penny-pinching, penurious, pinching, pinchpenny, spare, sparing, stinting, tight, tightfisted, uncharitable, ungenerous
- YIKES! I don’t think that I want to be PARSIMONIOUS!
- But…..I do want to be THRIFTY!
thrift·yadjective1. using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully.
Synonyms: frugal, economical, sparing, careful with money, penny-wise, provident, prudent, - Do you see the HUGE difference here?
- It really is about the attitude about how you spend whatever resources you have!
- Personally, I also think that it is about style! I love beautiful things! I love quality things. I know that if I only shopped “retail”…..I could have a FEW of those beautiful things….so I choose to be a thrifter so that I can have MORE of those things!
stylenoun1.a manner of doing something.Synonyms: manner, way, technique, method, methodology, approach, system, mode, form,
Christmas Decor at Sweetwater!
- Have you SEEN the prices that the retail stores are charging for centerpieces and outdoor greenery!
- Beyond MY budget…..but NOT beyond what I want!
- DID YOU KNOW? Home Depot and probably other places that sell Christmas trees will let you take the greens that are cut from the bottoms of the trees….FOR FREE!
- So with a little bit of planning and DYI skills…and absolutely NO $$$$….you can have lots and lots of fresh greenery for your decor!
- Here are some examples from past years……
- More free greens pushed into a chicken wire frame is the base for this porch light decor!
- At Sweetwater….we have FIVE front lights….can you imagine what it would cost to buy one of these for each light…
- That means….without the free stuff….my poor lights would have to be NAKED for the holidays!
- Back to the language lesson!
- If I wanted to be PARSIMONIOUS…..I would do without….and probably feel like Mr. Scrooge before his transformation!
- Instead….by being THRIFTY…..I not only have lovely things for myself….It is fun to share and create with family and friends.
- Tomorrow and Sunday I participate in “Make and Take” Workshops where friends come together and use all this FREE and THRIFTED stuff to make their own creations!
- Not to mention….when it is time to give small token gifts to friends….I can do it in STYLE for very little money but lots of thought and love!
- HMMMM…..hope that gets YOU thinking of the ways that being thrifty enhances YOUR life! I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on this subject!
- Have A Wonderful Day! (and hope you get to Home Depot to get yourself some free greens!)
- Link Parties
The Answer is Chocolate! From My Front Porch to Yours
I Am Not A Trophy Wife Sunny Simple Life
Between Naps on the Porch Funky Polka Dot Giraffe
This swag was made by simply bunching the “free” greens and adding a few dried berries (Goodwill finds) and a bow!
There is no way I would invest $$$ for a swag for the window!
Adding fresh greens to a copper bowl with a candle and some items from salvaged potpourri creates a lovely centerpiece!
Again….no $$$ just a little time and creativity!
I saw these porch decorations for sale at a nursery for $40!
They make wonderful hostess gifts…..and really only take 10 minutes to make.
Three birch logs (free from the hunting land) some pine cones, greens, and a ribbon!