March Madness is here.
That means we are doing the schizophrenic switching between channels to catch all the action of basketball games between teams that we don’t really care about. Alas our Gopher men had the worst year ever….but cheers to the women who play today.
March Madness is also about some schizophrenic decor issues….
you know….the clash between the Easter Bunnies and the St. Patrick’s Day Leprechauns.
Sadly, those Leprechauns are always out of the race in the first round!
The Easter Bunnies are still in the race for the next rounds of play!
But for now, I thought you would like to see the highlights of the decor for both teams.
Team Leprechaun!
The components:
A print of The river dyed green in Chicago.
Copper accents with a Shamrock plant in one.
Some Celtic looking plaques.
A collage of photos from our trip this fall.
The coolest rock ever…..that looks so much like a potato that you could wrap it in foil and fool someone….not that I would ever do such a thing.
Team Bunnies!
This little Dedham art pottery bunny sits happily in front of a framed page from a calendar. You gotta love that floppy eared fellow.
On the mantel, there is another framed bunny along with the garden sculptures and some golden eggs for fun. The vase and candle stick components will stay after the bunnies go back into storage.
All the little stuffed animals the kids have gotten over the years come out. The Grandboy and Grandgirl are sure to enjoy them this year.
There you have my subtle decor for both Team Leprechaun and Team Bunny.
Hope you enjoyed….
Now off to watch more Basketball….but before I go….

Here is my DIY tip of the day: Check out this website:
When you sign up FOR FREE, you have access to create fabulous designs that you can download. I used it to create this photo collage. So fun! Just imagine the possibilities!
May the luck of the Irish be with you!
Have a Great Day!