Did you know….that florists no longer call “fake flowers” fake or silk or artificial?
These flowers now have the much more elegant title of “Permanent Botanicals”!
Sounds so fancy…..
You know how much I love real flowers….but sometimes the permanent botanical route makes sense.
The wreath itself is the Trader Joe Boxwood wreath that I bought for Christmas.
I used the information from Julie Blanner’s lifestyle blog to preserve it. You can read about that here: https://julieblanner.com/how-to-preserve-boxwood-wreath/
I am amazed at how well it has lasted.
The flowers are from the dollar store!
Yup….$4 for enough flowers to fill the wreath nicely!
I use “permanent botanicals” from the dollar store a lot.
Here I used little white blossoms and yellow carnations with some preserved magnolia leaves.
I think the little bird nest is a nice touch.
And…seriously…I wish I could keep the bunnies caged up like this to “preserve” my tulips. PUN intended!
I had some time to do a little looking around for good looking permanent botanicals:
Take a look at this site: The flowers are really great looking…definitely not dollar store!
I loved the tutorial for the DIY peony arrangement. It even tells you how to make the acrylic “water”.
https://www.afloral.com/blogs/how-to-diy/acrylic-water-faux-flower-centerpiece |
- If you don’t have the time or inclination to make the acrylic water….put some real water in the vase. (duh)
- Don’t leave the artificial arrangement in the same spot for more than a couple of weeks…or about the same time as real flowers would last.
- Mix flower blooms that are artificial with foliage and fill greens that are real.
- Use flowers that are familiar…..and that would maybe come in a florist bouquet.
- Take the price stickers off 🙂
Lilacs are so hard to keep looking fresh. These would stay pretty a long time. I would miss the scent though.
These tulips might serve me well when the bunnies do their damage !
Well…wishing you a day filled with flowers whether they are “permanent” or natural!