Summer time for me always involves schools projects.
This summer I am working on a couple of really fun things!

My first project is….
Head Counselor at “Tech Camp” for some teachers at my school!
At “camp” we will be going on an iPad App Scavenger Hunt…
Learn all about making iMovies using video from those iPads!
How Can YOU Help?
I know that there are lots of teachers out there who know way more than I do about great APPs for education.
I know there are lots of homeschool parents out there who are using iPads for instruction.
I would love to hear from YOU!
Leave a comment with your suggestions and experience with integrating iPads into REAL learning for kids!  The iPads are lots of fun…..but there has to be PURPOSE  in the way kids spend their time using them.  Let me know what you know/think!
I am building a resource list that I will share after “Tech Camp” is over…..
My second project is….
Collaborating with a fellow teacher 
on a Kindergarten Website for Spanish Immersion Learning.
We got a grant…yippee….and now we are working on an interactive website with Language Immersion activities for the Kindergarten Kids.
We are having a great time….and we think the site will be amazing….
One component of our website will be a Parent Information Blog!
My experience with writing “blog style” has made me a true believer in the advantages of communication via a blog!
Instead of the “old style” weekly newsletter… know the one that gets crumpled up in the backpack before you even see it….
The Blog format will provide ongoing-timely information that has endless possibilities….
How Can YOU Help?
I want to “pick your brains”!
What information and components do YOU think would be important to include in the blog?
What information is critical for you to have access to?
We would really like to hear…
Add a comment with your thoughts….
BTW…we have already considered the need to provide the blog content in printed form for those parents without ready access to a computer/or who prefer printed format.
One of the best parts of blogging is the ability to make connections with other bloggers/readers from all over.  So let the conversation begin…I will keep you posted on our progress…and share the completed website if you are interested!
Stay Tuned…..

0 comments on “Help Wanted….I need Your Ideas!

  1. Donna McDine

    Terrific blog!

    For the Parents Information blog include a schedule of projects and due dates, reminders of parent teacher conference and meet the teacher dates.

    I'm now your latest follower through MadeInaDay Blog Hop.

    Best regards,
    Award-winning Children’s Author
    Write What Inspires You Blog