I was in my favorite garden store last week and saw these really cute plant markers made from glass tile and old forks….and they only cost $4 a piece…

I figured I could make them myself for like 40 cents a piece!

Of course I didn’t take a picture….I should of taken a picture…

I did the next best thing…I went google image searching….and boy did I find some cute ideas for plant markers….and I will share!

First, I’ll show you how I was able to replicate those fancy markers.

Supplies You Need
Old Forks…..Goodwill has them for 29cents each
Good All Purpose Adhesive

 Fine Point Paint Marker
Tile or glass pieces
Funny story about these tiles….I rescued them during a building remodel at one of the schools I used to teach at….
Maybe I will share some of these markers with other teachers who taught in that school with me…..hmmmm!

  I always feel sort of silly telling the how to steps for something this straight forward….but hey if I do, I can call it a tutorial! 

  1. Use the paint marker to write the plant name on the tile (let it dry)
  2.  Use the Adhesive to attach the tile to the fork (let it dry)
  3. Tie the raffia around the fork (add a little adhesive so it stays….let it dry)
  4. Stick the marker in the ground next to the plant.

Aren’t you glad you read that tutorial?  I imagine you would have really struggled to figure this out by yourself….
so “you are welcome…I am glad I could help”!

Here are the other ideas I found for plant markers on the cheap!

Love this idea using spoons and printed labels!

It was one of many examples on the Gardening Adventures Blog.

Carissa put together lots of ideas for Garden Bling here.

These are dollar store glass beads with paint markers.  Love the idea of the sticks and twine too.

Artsy Vava used corks stuck on forks.…ooh I made a poem…

I never have luck writing on cork….it always looks easy….but alas I fail!!

This is just one of the ideas on the Buckets of Gardening Blog!

The flattened spoon is a nice look.
I don’t know how to do the stamping…but I might want to learn…this is pretty cool looking.

Hope your plants are growing and you get a bit of inspiration for making your own plant markers….
Sad to say….since I made the marker for my lavender plant….it totally died….guess I have to head back to the garden store and buy another plant!  I’ll be sure to walk by the display of garden markers and laugh at the price!

Have a great day!

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One comment on “Tile Plant Markers

  1. kewkew

    What a great collection of cute ideas. So creative.
    I wanted to thank you for joining in with Lovin’ The Weekend Blog Hops last weekend!
    I am now following you!

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