Look at these “gorgeous” images…..
They look like fine contemporary art don’t they?
Well…..NOT SO MUCH!!!
They are really microscopic images of the FLU Virus!!!
I spend my days “immersed” in germs….ewwww!
All those books covered in germs….
All those computer keyboards covered in germs….
All those wonderful hugs from the kids…..covered in germs….

I have always figured that being “immersed” in germs is a good thing…..building lots of immunity against most illness!

And….knock on wood…it usually works! 

But this year it seems that every news report includes yet another report about how widespread and big the outbreaks of this year’s flu strain are…..

Now…I don’t usually get too worried about catching it…..
but when one of my friends (a great strapping 40 something man) ended up in bed for two weeks…..
and a young freshman student in my school actually lost her life to the flu….

I realized it was time to get myself my very first FLU SHOT ever…..alas….not until last week….so it will be a while before the shot takes full effect!

In the MEANTIME….I decided I need to get serious about some strategies to ward off those bugs!

Our VITAMIX has been getting a workout making this delicious Grapefruit Juice!
Eating whole grapefruit is sort of a pain….
CostCo has big bags of grapefruit for “cheap”….

The recipe is simple:
Just peel the fruit…..leave the white pith on….
Dump the sections in the blender…..
Add a little orange juice….
Add a little pomegranate juice….
Add a couple of packets of Emergen C….
Turn on the machine and let it do it’s magic….

 The juice is really pulpy….and just sweet enough….Yummm….

I also planted some Wheat Grass a month earlier than usual…..

This magic flu fighter to make Wheat Grass Smoothies…
Here are a couple of posts I did about Wheat Grass….
HOWEVER….this year we have a new challenge when using the wheat grass as food!!!

Yup….you know…I think Marvin is trying to get some flu fighting anti-oxidants of his own!!!
So I guess now I need to WASH the wheat grass before I use it!!!

How are YOU warding off the flu at your house?

Hopefully you are not reading this from your sick beds….but if so….I wish you a speedy recovery!!!

HMMMM….maybe I will print those germ photos and frame them…..as sort of a talisman for warding off the flu?

0 comments on “How are YOU Avoiding the FLU?

  1. NanaDiana

    We have had colds but not the flu here. It is a terrible year for it and my hubby is wearing a mask all the time at the hospital- even in the hallways. It is a scary one this time and the weather has helped promote its spread- UGH- Good luck- I got MY first flu shot this year, too. xo Diana