Are you ready for “Use What I’ve Got-2012-#2”?
I am challenging myself to make something out of something that I already have at least once every week….
This one might just win for long distance frugality!
We just got back from a quick trip to see my Mom in Florida!
She is lucky to spend her winters in this absolutely darling yellow cottage!
Mom wanted me to help her update her porch furniture with new cushions while we were there!
That inspired me to make this project into “Use What I’ve Got Challenge 2012- #2”

Instead of going shopping to buy fabric when we got to Florida…..I looked through my fabric stash here at Sweetwater!
I emailed Mom photos of 3 different fabrics that I thought might work for her project….just like shopping on Amazon!
She picked the one that is mostly yellow….
a nice choice as it looks great with the yellow siding on the house!
It is even an indoor/outdoor fabric!
We packed it in the suitcase….how’s that for free shipping!
We spent a fun couple of hours recovering the seats on the wrought iron chairs.
We just wrapped and stapled the new fabric right over the ugly brown vinyl!
It took all of 20 minutes for both chairs….
The hardest thing was doing this without my power stapler….oh well!
Now Mom has to decide whether to repaint the bistro set yellow or white!
I think yellow…or maybe green?
Don’t you think they look 100 times nicer with the floral fabric?
I got Mom’s sewing machine out and got to work making a cover for the porch swing cushion!
We turned this into a Mother/Daughter project when
Mom got “in the swing of things” and hand stitched the back edge of the cushion!
While she was working….I used the last of the fabric for a nice little coordinating tablecloth!
Project Done!
All that was left was to sit back and enjoy the bright sunshine on the porch!
The porch is a great place to view the beautiful front yard filled with all the organic produce being cultivated by my brother the Permaculture expert….
I hope to have him do a “guest post” about how he does this!
In the meantime, enjoy the views!
Hmmmm….I wonder if there are any other “long distance” projects that anyone needs doing?
I have a lot of fabric….and I will deliver!
Linky Parties
The Shabby Nest
A Little Knick Knack
Creation Corner
Happy Hour Projects
Pocket Full Of Pink
Fancy This Friday
Friday’s Unfolded
Shine On Friday
Not Baaad Sunday
Anna Marie’s Blog
Singing Three Little Birds
My 1928 Charmer
CRAFT-Making Monday Marvelous
A Round Tuit
Skip to My Lou
My Uncommon Slice Of Suburbia
Coastal Charm
Quilt Story