Phoebe, from the television show “Friends”, was a lot more tolerant of the worst part of cat ownership than most of us…..
It might not be “the cat’s fault”…..but it is a fact that the litterbox is the least attractive item in the house!
At Sweetwater…..we have these smelly eyesores tucked away in the back workroom!
Alas….Mr. S is often stuck there with the mess and odor! But at least it is out of sight!
And…..we are used to it!
When my nephew told me about solution to the “Smelly Cat”….I was sooooo jealous!
The only place for the cat box in their new house was the bathroom…..ewwwww!
He came up with this amazing DYI project he did to totally hide the litterbox!
He shared some photos of the project…..and I am sharing them with you!
This little access hole in the side…..lucky kitty!
The hinge on the door needed to be moved…but I guess that wasn’t that big a deal.
The next step was to install a set of drawer slides in the bottom of the cabinet to allow for easy access to the box for cleaning.