Part 2 of Summer Decorating on a Budget can really be summed up by the following:
I admit freely to being a “fabric”holic!
The summer look for the lower level family room has been the same for a long time.
The navy “monster” couch and navy carpet seemed to lend themselves to a red, white and blue theme.
I was quite simply “over it”.
The natural place to go to solve the problem was the fabric store.
I wasn’t sure what I was looking for……
I needed to “immerse” myself in all the pretties….
These are the fabrics that called to me and made sense with the blue carpet and white walls.
Best of all….I happened to be there on a day when all decorator fabric was $3.99 a yard.
Be still my heart!
Too funny….when I look at these 3 fabrics lined up in the photos….I have to say I was a bit of a risk taker.
You might be saying in true Minnesota nice language…..”well those are different”!
But look how the redo turned out using these unlikely pairings.
I have always loved chinoiserie fabric.
Vocabulary lesson:
chinoiserie chi·noi·se·rie
noun: the imitation or evocation of Chinese motifs and techniques in Western art, furniture, and architecture, especially in the 18th century.
Using just a bit for the seat cushions on the game table was a great way to have some that doesn’t over power the room.
Would you believe that I just used the glue gun to attach the fabric on these?
Why? Because I want to be able to take the summery look away and use the red pattern underneath in the winter. If I used the staple gun….removal would have been a huge pain!
The cushions on the cedar chest “window seat” got my famous almost no-sew box cushion treatment!
Here is a link to the original post….
I got a big laugh when I looked at the statistics for this post and saw that it has gotten almost 10,000 since it was published 5 years ago. I guess that means that this is something worth doing? 🙂
Big fabric envelopes made from the floral fabric were an easy way to switch out the couch cushions.
The ikat fabric is a fun look for the ottoman.

Yes….you can easily cover an ottoman with just a couple of seams on the sewing machine. Here is the post that shows you the steps.
EASY ALMOST NO SEW OTTOMAN I left the red and blue underneath so the new fabric can easily lift off.
I still need to do a bit of “red removal” and shop the house for things that will fit the new colors.
but even though the temps are back in the 50’s around here….I know that it soon will warm up and now…..