You have probably already seen the Fairy Garden in the old birdbath….but if you haven’t…
Well I was at Tonkadale Nursery the other day….and I was lusting after the Fairy Houses….
I think I have the perfect spot along the front entry walk for a Fairy Garden.
Maybe I would splurge and actually by a Fairy House….
Well…that’s what I thought until I saw the prices…
Where else would you go to shop for a fairy house than
Appropriately named “Mary’s Cottage”….this one was only $227
Even cuter,,,,this one for a mere $314
So pretty obviously….that wouldn’t be happening at Sweetwater!!!
I wanted cute….
I wanted rustic…
I wanted CHEAP….
What could be cheaper than an old tree stump….
We have plenty of those…
I found the perfect one….
It even has a little moss growing on it…
And a little root extension….
I was ready to get started…
The stump was perfect….it was the darn roof that was the problem!!
I had an old cocoa mat….and thought that would work…..
Mr. S: “that looks like a really bad toupee!”
Me: “Well. do you have a better idea?”
Mr. S.: “Can this wait until later? I just got home!”
a little later……
Mr. S: “Okay…how big does this thing need to be? What angle do you want for the roof? Have you measured the stump? I can cut some of those wood blinds and you can attach them like shingles”
Me: “Well….no….I thought I could just eyeball it.”
Mr. S: “sigh…..I’ll go get the tape measure.”
Goody Goody….it was time to use the power tools…
Mr. S ran the saw….
Mr. S ran the tape measure…
Mr. S did the math

I did the power
I love me my power stapler/nailer!
It worked perfectly….
Except……The roof was really, really UGLY!
NOT what I had in mind…
But they do say….Love is patient…Love is kind…
Mr. S just shrugged his shoulders….put the tools away…and went to get a beer!!
I was NOT giving up on this thing….. but it could wait until the next day….so I went to get a glass of wine!

Maybe the wine was inspirational….
The solution was in the wood pile…..
I could just attach some pieces of bark to a piece of log that was split to have a peak…
Like a roof!
Well…that plan was working great…until I melted my glue gun….arghhhh….
I went to the store the next day and got a new glue gun….
The roof looks very rustic…just like I wanted….
The doors and windows….thank Mr. S for that….
he knew there were windows in the old box of LEGOS…perfect after a coat of spray paint!
The side door is made from the piece of log with the moss growing on it….
I have been having fun adding little bits of moss and some plants.
I even found a tiny “pine tree” seedling growing in the rocks by the woodpile.
Me: “Isn’t this the cutest fairy garden?”
Mr. S: “Well, I guess, if you like Fairy Gardens….”
Have A Great Day!